CASE: N-400 (Citizenship / Naturalization)
LOCATION: Cleveland, OH
Our client contacted us in July 2016 to seek legal representation for his naturalization application. He came to the United States from the Philippines and obtained his green card through a family petition in 2009. He retained our office for his naturalization application on July 16, 2016. He had a lot of trips totaling almost two and a half years out of the past five years. He also had a trip that lasted between six months and one year.
His N-400 application was filed on July 20, 2017 with all necessary supporting documents. We included a brief to rebut the presumption of discontinuation of his residency due to his “over six month” trip.
Our office prepared him for his interview. Our client appeared at his naturalization interview on October 19, 2017 at the Cleveland USCIS Field Office. Attorney JP Sarmiento accompanied our client as well. Our client answered all questions correctly and passed his citizenship interview. His N-400 was approved on November 9, 2017. His oath taking is scheduled where he will become a U.S. Citizen.