The White House Continues Working On Immigration Legislation of Its Own

Early drafts of a comprehensive bill that offers a pathway to citizenship to illegal immigrants has been developed by The White House.

President Obama let a bipartisan coalition of lawmakers come up with their own bill that not only focuses on a comprehensive immigration reform but also address border security. So far, the President is pleased with how things are working out on the road to an immigration system overhaul. But the White House is not taking any chances and is ready to take the lead if the bipartisan coalition will encounter more challenges in putting things in place for a proposed better national immigration system.

White House spokesperson, Clark Stevens, assures the nation that as the bipartisan coalition has the full support of the president, there’s no doubt that the President himself will push forward even if Congress fails to act.

According to USA Today, one of the things that are included in the president’s draft legislation is to allow immigrants to finally be permanent residents within eight years while they apply for a “Lawful Prospective Immigrant” visa.  Even if Mr. Stevens declined to comment on this, this idea has already been made evident during the president’s Las Vegas speech. In that speech, the president made clear that “there will be no uncertainty about their (illegal Immigrants) ability to become U.S. citizens provided that they meet the eligibility criteria.” If the information the USA Today was able to gather is true, some people, including Senator Marco Rubio, Republican from Florida, believe the legislation to be “half-baked and seriously flawed.”

The President is giving Congress little room to debate on the matter but made it clear that he stands ready to introduce his own legislation if the situation calls for it.

Source: The New York Times


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