Republicans Counter Immigration DREAM with ACHIEVE Act

In the wake of President Obama’s reelection, people involved in the immigration field still recall how the DREAM Act fell short of being heard at the House.

Today, Republicans Senators Jon Kyl of Arizona and Kay Hutchinson of Texas are introducing their own version of immigration reform under the Achieve Act. The Republican Senators disclosed that this push for this Act is not a plain reaction to their poor showing among Latinos in the recently concluded election last November. They revealed that this effort to get serious in tackling immigration issues has been in the works for almost a year now and that they have been consulting with Senators John McCain of Arizona and Marco Rubio of Florida.

The ACHIEVE Act proposal would require applicants to have entered the country before the age of 14, and have lived in the U.S. for at least 5 years. The undocumented immigrants are provided with a regular pathway towards permanent residency and a chance for potential citizenship. Compared to the DREAM Act, the ACHIEVE Act offers three different visas: one that is good for 6 years, one that is good for 4, and a permanent non-immigrant visa that is renewable every five years.

Source: Fox News Latino


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