Jeb Bush Promotes Book on Immigration and Replies to Critics

Republican and former governor of Florida, Jeb Bush has been promoting his new book, “Immigration Wars: Forging an American Solution.” Early critics have said that his book is the exact opposite of his longtime position on immigration.

Fellow Republicans are complaining that Mr. Bush has shifted his support, from one of conservativeness to something more open to a path to citizenship, by calling Congress to welcome some form of legal status short of citizenship. Amidst confusion on what Mr. Bush’s real stand on immigration is, he stressed on “Face of Nation” that he supports a path to citizenship and further explained that his main premise is to make it easier and less costly for those entering the country legally, rather than having them come here illegally anyway.

Mr. Bush was also quick to encourage Republicans to accept a deficit-reduction deal with Mr. Obama, one that purports to cut the budget along the lines of government sequestration.  This is quite the opposite of Representative Paul D. Ryan’s views during his appearance on “Fox News Sunday,” when he reiterated his opposition to the government’s recent deficit-reduction strategies. Mr. Ryan is keen on addressing the issue, paving the way towards a balanced budget, by reducing Medicare, Medicaide and federal pensions.

While Mr. Ryan ‘enjoyed the experience’ when he was a Republican nominee for vice president in 2012, Mr. Bush, on the other hand, quips that he is not even thinking about it.

Source: The New York Times


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